Pollinator Week 2020 is coming to an end. Today we are going to talk about how to get involved through the 2020 Citizen Science pollinator identification season and how to get involved in the early spring of 2021. By Pollinator 2021 you will feel like you are ready to contribute and be part of the movement. We are going to talk about opportunities to open the door for ANYONE to get involved. Be sure to go back and read the Pollinator Challenge Blog and the Book Review: Books with Pollinators. PX3 is committed to training every day people so they too can be involved. Stay tuned for our virtual workshops with live field day opportunities!
Citizen Science is one of the most helpful and easiest things the average citizen with zero experience can do to get involved. There are varying degrees of monitoring programs that are as easy as taking a picture and submitting it with the notes the program requests. If you have an interest in macro photography then this is a great way to use it. Most monitoring programs that utilize crowd sourced data are family friendly and can be done on your own schedule.
PX3's mission is to support sustainable pollinator habitat. Continued involvement and connection to a restored space means attention, eyes on the site, sense of place concept. PX3 believes so heavily in this because it is part of all of our inaugural board member livelihood. All of us have a background in outdoor OR, .indoor education , and some of us are also biologists, landscape designers, life coaches, and natural resource managers all at once.
PX3 believes in all of these concepts that empower people to help pollinators to prosper by empowering pollinators to do the same. How can you? I am not going to overwhelm you with details but give you a list to explore on your own. PX3 admires, supports and is even lucky enough to partner with these amazing front runners, mentors and absolute genius. Please explore, ask questions, and join at your own pace. These are some of our favorites!
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Protocol (IMMP): Monarch Joint Venture https://monarchjointventure.org/immp
Bumble Bee Watch: Xerces Society https://www.bumblebeewatch.org/
Butterfly Monitoring: North American Butterfly Association https://www.naba.org/
Butterfly Phenology http://jugbay.org/research/butterfly
Queen Quest http://bumbleboosters.unl.edu/queenquest
Monarch Watch https://www.monarchwatch.org/
Bee Smart https://pollinator.org/bee-smart-app
Wild Bee ID, Center for Food Safety https://www.wildbeeid.org/
Create your own study at USPhenology Networks Nature's Notebook
Most of these sites have phenomenal guides to help id and most of all it is all about being Pollinator Paparazzi! Turn those photos in and let project leads identify to species or confirm your id.
Don't forget to reach out to your local monitoring projects. Pollinator research through citizen science is nationwide! If you need advice just reach out :)
