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Don't Miss the 2019 Fall NABA Butterfly Count

Join Us for Citizen Science with Butterflies!

We’ll be counting butterflies on Sunday, September 22 and we would love for you to join us! We are going to be combing meadows, the fantastic butterfly garden at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary and nearby wood’s edges looking for as many different species of butterflies and skippers as we can find. And we need your help with this citizen science project that we’re doing in conjunction with the North American Butterfly Association.

We’ll meet outside Jug Bay’s Plummer House between 9 am and 11 am on the 22nd. How long we’ll be counting depends on how many folks show up. We’ll start with a brief review of the NABA protocol for butterfly counts and then split up in teams to cover the main visitor center area and River Farm, as well as the garden and meadows around Plummer House.

We’d ask that you plan to spend 2-4 hours, so bring water, lunch or snacks if you’d like to stay for the duration. Long pants that you can tuck into socks are recommended for protection from bugs. After walking around and seeing what we can find, we’ll gather back at Plummer House to log our findings.

Each team will be led by a knowledgeable guide who will be able to empower participants to collect data that supports important national data committed to conservation. Over 16 and up will enjoy this count most as there is a good amount of walking, time and movement needs to be fluid, and weather conditions are unknown.

Registration is up and ready at Pollinators Prospering People events page.

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