M Fegler
PX3 would love to hear what you think OR if you have any questions. PX3 hopes to see all of you at Calvert Brewing Company Trivia Night on May 15, 2019 from 7 pm - 9 pm. Get to know PX3 members, have a great craft brew, win prizes with your keen trivia skills. PX3 Trivia will consist of three categories: Maryland Native Bees, the Honey Bee, & Your Garden Potential. Join us and test your knowledge, learn fun facts and have some really good beer. For the first 15 days of May 2019 PX3 will post blogs that we will then draw trivia questions from. We welcome you to visit daily and take a look! Thanks to Calvert Brewing Company for partnering with us for this fun event.

Tonight we are going to talk about how to get involved. There was a previous blog that mentioned the inception of PX3. Truthfully there were several key aspects of how PX3 thought sustainability could be bolstered. Continued involvement and connection to a restored space means attention, eyes on the site, sense of place concept. PX3 believes so heavily in this because it is part of all of our inaugural board member livelihood. All of us have a background in outdoor OR, yuk..indoor education (just the indoor part) and some of us are also biologists, landscape designers, life coaches, and natural resource managers all at once. What sets us apart is believing in all all of these concept people that help pollinators to prosper by empowering pollinators to do the same. How can you? I am not going to overwhelm you with details but give you a list for you to explore on your own. PX3 admires, supports and is even lucky enough to partner with these amazing front runners, mentors and absolute genius. Please explore, ask questions, and join at your own pace. These are our favorites!
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Protocol (IMMP): Monarch Joint Venture https://monarchjointventure.org/immp
Bumble Bee Watch: Xerces Society https://www.bumblebeewatch.org/
Butterfly Monitoring: North American Butterfly Association https://www.naba.org/
Butterfly Phenology http://jugbay.org/research/butterfly
Queen Quest http://bumbleboosters.unl.edu/queenquest
Monarch Watch https://www.monarchwatch.org/
Bee Smart https://pollinator.org/bee-smart-app
Wild Bee ID, Center for Food Safety https://www.wildbeeid.org/